Ha ha I have gotten to my Paris post! Please enjoy the pics. :)

This is the Eiffel Tower which you all should know. On the right Cambria and I are on the carousol (which she dragged me on to.) I love this picture. We only went to the second landing although I wanted to go to the top.
These two pics are of Notre Dame We went all the way to the top! After that we ate lunch right next to it!
This is my mom at Moulin Rouge! We kind of just got out of the Metro, took our pictures, and left. :)

This is Sacre Coeur! The coolest part was the little shopping and eating area up there. Also we could see Sacre Cur from the Eiffel Tower so it was cool when we got there and could see the Eiffel Tower.

On the left is me on the Eiffel Tower. Before we went up I told my sister that if she didn't behave I'd throw her off the Eiffel tower but, to my dissapointment there was metal squares blocking my way. On the right is me and my sister at dinner. (See doesn't she look crazy, like at any moment she'll go bouncing off the walls?)

On the left is me and my sister by the Mona Lisa which was surprisingly small. On the right is me eating Escargo. It was actually pretty good considering they smothered it in garlic and butter. Yum!
Sacre Coeur (not Cur), it means Sacred Heart. :)